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Photo books are the perfect gift for any occasion.
Kim Griffiths Hamm Wedding 1 of 3 in 18 months! Son Aaron and Wife Janice plus my other kids and such
Kim Griffiths Hamm- My son Aaron and His Bride Janice people thought it was funny that the photographer was
Kim Griffiths Hamm wedding 2 of 3 in 18months! Daughter Nikhia and her groom Victor, she asked me to be her maid of honor. Plus the rest of the troup
Kim Griffiths Hamm and hubby Ron, Daughter Nikhia and husband Victor who was a former Marine
Kim Griffiths Hamm Daughter Nikhia and Son in Law Victor, its nice to be the photographer I get what I want!
Kim Griffiths Hamm- Wedding 3 of 3 in 18months! But it was on the beach and we stayed in a cottage, more relaxing that way
Kim Griffiths Hamm My daughter Alicia and Her Husband Matt A lovely beach wedding on the oregon coast
Kim Griffiths Hamm My new grandson 1-22-2009 Greyson Maddox Hamm and my sweet husband Ron i'm a little tired after being up all night!
Kim Griffiths Hamm My grandson Greyson is now a year old!
Kim Griffiths Hamm My Daughter Meghan and my grandson Greyson in Jan 2010
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller-My rock star son Shane.
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller's first born. Son Cody, passed away at 8 1/2 months. Leukemia
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller & Nick Nolte
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller's daughter Allie and son-in-law Chris.
Debbie Hardie Rossmiller's grandson Breckin Cooper
Sam Getz with wife , Nairobis, children ,Alberto, Isabella and Gabriella
Sam Getz with Wife, Nairobis, Isabella and Gabriella my girls
Sam Getz with wife, Nairobis, Dylan, Isabella and Gabriella
The "Cowgirl Way"...somethings just never change. (Cindy Chevallier Gruwell)
My boys and I Christmas '09 (Cindy Chevalllier-Gruwell)
Bob Golie and his 8 month old 80 pound lapdog Dude.
The Golie's as Goalies Halloween 2008
Bill Lowry and his wife Kathy
(Click on an image to view at full size.)