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Fri nite Reunion
Dan and Linda Allen Peters
Chuck Mix and Lance Zuelke
Julie Tobiason
Ed Guay
still waiting.....
is anyone listening????
getting things ready
Sandy Wylie
Group folding the photo cubes, did you notice yours?
The one lone hubby (Marilyn's) what a champ!!!
This was as much cooperation I had the whole night! :)
They persevered even if the bar wasn't open yet :)
Friday Night Gathering Place
Cheryl Matyas, Scott Davis, Tori Kall
Mary Abbott, Tori Kall
Nora Hampa, Doug Abbott, Arlene Blanchard, Maryann Quinn
Tori Kall and Cheryl Matyas
Dave and Karyn Duke Kanta
Cheryl,Tori,Doug, Arlene
Scott and Margaret Blixt
Kendall Mahlman and Mike Tooley
(Click on an image to view at full size.)